What are the SDG’s?

SDG’s stands for Sustainable Development Goals, 17 goals set by the United Nations for a more equitable, progressive and sustainable future.

English Explorers is a nature-based educational organisation which understand the challenges of today and seeks to be a leader and inspire solutions in the next generation to achieve a brighter future for all.

We strive to support actions and policy at a local to national level which progress society to achieving these 17 goals. As a nature-based educational organisation, we endeavor to incorporate the following Goals as primary concerns when running our programs.

Goal 4: Quality Education

English Explorers is committed to providing Quality Education by teaching English, the importance of nature and life skills.

Goal 5: Responsible Consumption and Production

English Explorers has an eco mindset when using resources and promotes sustainable production patterns through farming and recycling to minimise our material footprint.

Goal 13: Climate Action

We value and respect our natural environment which we rely on to learn and play. Our programs and operations promote minimising our carbon footprint so that the natural beauty of Myoko can be enjoyed by future generations.

Goal 14: Life Below Water

Consevation and sustainable use of marine ecosystems such as Lake Nojiri is essential to offering children an opportunity play and grow now and in the future.

Goal 15: Life on Land

Our program has a strong focus on the protection and sustainable use of Myokos forests and land. We promote respect and care for these natural environments by educating campers to ‘leave no trace’ and teaching hands-on permaculture practices.

Goal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

English Explorers strives to promote peaceful and inclusive societies by making strong and lasting connections within the Myoko community. We aim to continue creating partnerships and opportunities for a more sustainable future so that Myoko can continue to prosper as a community and flourish as a place of natural beauty.